Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Another tag from RUTH, which of course if I want to be as cool as she is, I just HAVE to. The topic is "Quirks".

I am to tell 6 quirks about me...
Then I tag 6 people for them to post on their blog 6 quirks about themselves. So here we go...

1. I sing things in really tacky opera style, not only because it annoys my girls, and that it sometimes feels good to sing that way, but MOSTLY because I personally crack myself up at how much I sound like Carol Channing.
2. I hate stinky smells, although I love the smell of skunks and the asphalt after the first rain. I hate smelling people's farts, breath, the moldy clothes someone thought they could pass off without someone noticing, rotten meat (I'm starting to barf already), and the inside of stinky cars.
3. I hate when other people talk about their own poop. I realized I don't mind when people talk about other people's poop, just not their own. Don't wanna know about it. Don't want to imagine it. So along with #2, I hate walking in after someone's pooped.
4. I have card files in my brain. I have a song card file that is constantly subconsciously in "search" mode while someone is talking. If I hear a line from a song within someone's sentence, my card file quickly shuffles to find what song it is and then sing it in my head. I probably find about three songs on average within a short conversation. And it's very hard for me to show restraint and not break into song because I know that the song will just keep playing around in my head. Sometimes I've even gotten into the car and sung the song out loud so I can get it out of my system. So thank you to those who let me break into song during our conversation. I also have a movie file, and an "innuendo" card file (but I only let that one go into search mode with close friends...cuz otherwise it could become out of control and put me into fits of laughter).
5. I only like sodas out of a fountain. I'll drink it from a can or a bottle but I don't enjoy it. I also look for reasons to go on errands so I can get a soda. I don't think it's so much that I'm addicted to the soda, it's that I'm addicted to spending money every day and if I do it on something small, then maybe I won't do it at Target or online.
6. I really dislike running errands. I'll do everything I can to procrastinate them. Whether it's taking things back, going to the bank, or even running something to the girls' school, I really hate it. Brian is so opposite. He gets it done the minute it's mentioned.

I don't know who to tag this time cuz I tagged everyone in my last post and I don't want them to be mad if I tag them again. It's too bad Nan doesn't blog and Heathermegan hates to blog. Their answers would be pretty funny. So...Ceri, Leah, Johanna, Tara, Erin, Tami, Julia, etc., etc. you're tagged! Do it again if you want to!

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