Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Angels

My mom is the children's chorister for our church in her local area. When we were in California on the Sunday before Christmas, all the children dressed up in nativity costumes and went from room to room singing songs about Christmas.  Xanthe and Xoe were actually supposed to go to Young Women's, but for some reason they were having anxiety about it.  Usually they are good about new situations, but I think they were just tired of going to so many different ones. They had just gotten back from their dad's where they go to Young Women's there as well.  I didn't fight it and I was proud of them for coming up with a compromise.  They traveled along with the children until they reached the Young Women room. Then they just stayed there with the Young Women. Just like I suspected, they had a great time.

This post is about the nativity and how cute they look dressed up. I was bummed I only had one good picture that my dad had taken, and then I remembered Beth, the Young Women's President, good friend AND sister to MY sister-in-law (did that make sense?) posted on Instagram.  Then, lo and behold, I found a bunch of pictures on our iPad that the girls had taken.  So cute.  Enjoy!  Oh, and P.S., the title of this post came from the subject line that my dad titled his email with. I thought it was a perfect title. Thanks, Dad!

Xanthe started off as Mary but then figured it would be better for a little girl so she changed into being an angel.

Not sure why she's sad.  She must be sad about riding the donkey to Bethlehem...  or maybe not wanting to be Mary in general.  :) She changed to an angel.

My beautiful mom getting ready for the program.

This was a display in the Primary room for people to see if they came in.

My Xoe angel

Xoe, Xanthe and cousin, Eliza Buhrley

Beth's picture.  I'm not surprised as she is a professional photographer.  Jealous she could capture such a great shot with her iPhone.

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