Friday, November 13, 2009

When I'm Queen of My Own World....

...Moms Will Have Video Cameras Behind Their Eyes....

Do you ever feel like so many things happen when the camera is off? A giggle. A laugh. Learning to walk. Or a funny idiosyncrasy no other kid does, only your darling little baby. But you never can catch that right moment.

Things that you want to remember after they grow older, but probably your memory won't be so good by then.

Wouldn't it be so cool if these memories could be caught as they happened and then stored to a computer? Then you could share them with the people you love. Or share them with the child after they've grown old. Or even keep certain treasures to yourself, but be able to gaze at every so often.

So, yes. I have often made plans for when I have my own world.

On my world, moms will have video cameras behind their eyes.

(And yes, I have had this thought this since Xanthe and Xoe were babies. If the pictures of them were scanned in, I would have probably posted some. But I don't think my heart can take going back and looking at pictures of them yet. It's been so long since they were babies that my heart will want to look at every picture and soak it all in. So, maybe one day I'll post more baby pictures of the girls. But for now, here are some pictures of Spencer that I never got to post. Spencer did something so funny this morning that reminded me of my wish to be able to remember these things...and sometimes be able to share them with my friends. So, I saw it fitting to post these pictures together with that thought...)


Nan said...

What did he do??? Now I want to know what was funny.

Vanessa said...

Your post made me cry! That's so true. I want cameras in my eyes too.

Randi said...

I think the same thing often. Babies grow up so fast and it is impossible to capture every cute thing they do. I am just glad that we have cameras to get some of it on film.

heather said...

seriously, ryan is going to laugh when he reads this! i've been trying to record wendy's little quirks lately and it NEVER works out. Either she stops when the camera is rolling, or i run out of battery or space on the tape, etc. I almost had a meltdown one day because of it.

ps. i love these pictures of spencer! they look professional.

Beth said...

Spencer is adorable!!! He is getting cuter and cuter!