Saturday, September 6, 2008

A "First" I DON'T Like

So, many of us with babies have posted "firsts" of new milestones our babies make. Anything from a first doctor visit, first long car trip, first outfit, etc. Well, here's one I DON'T like...TEETHING. Yup...that's right...Spencer's getting his first TWO...not just one...TEETH. Does anyone remember how old he is? Well, scroll down to find the TWO MONTH picture next to the peach tree.

Yup, we just spent all day doing the whole cocktail...Homeopathic teething tablets, Tylenol (two doses), Ibuprofen, Adult Anbesol (just a tiny bit cuz I didn't have any Orajel...who knew I'd have to be prepared this early?), wet washrag, teething rings, ice AND of course...Orajel.

Seriously? Teething sucks! Why do kids have to go through this? The minute I thought I had his whole schedule figured out, he starts teething. He was awake all day yesterday (wailing of course) and is now asleep all day today. But I have no idea how long I have until he wakes up, so I all I can do is sit waiting in anticipation...Hopefully he wakes up a happy kid. Oh, and by the way, he has a poopy diaper and I'm not ABOUT to change it for fear of bringing on the teething crying again.

Remind me again why we do this...heehee...just really, why?


amber buhrley said...

oh man!

Nan said...

Oh yikes. Does it help if I say I know what you are going through? Someday they'll all come in. Until then, sorry...

Ruth said...

I am right there with you. But 2 months!? Crazy.

stacy said...

that is the WORST. poor little dude, he's so little. poor you too!

Beth said...

Wow! I think that is the youngest age I have heard of a baby teething. 2 months!

Spencer just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I love the pictures!