Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Trick Or Treating was fun this year, although we didn't make a big deal out of it. We felt like the night before (X&X's Halloween party) was Halloween. We celebrated our tooshes off so there really weren't any expectations the next night.

We started off at the city park. They were having a big Halloween party with Trick or Treating and booths and a big blow-up movie screen playing the Scooby Doo Halloween movie. But when we got there, it was just so crowded, there were actually lines for each booth to Trick or Treat. We kinda walked around a bit but then found some friends to leave and go Trick or Treating around our neighborhood. The neighborhood right next to ours is becoming really popular. Lots of fun houses that were decorated really spooky and lots of people in the Spirit. Lots of people Trick or Treating too. Later, we headed to Wendy's to get a late night treat. It seemed like a lot of other trick-or-treaters had the same idea. It definitely looked like a Halloween party there.

So, all in all, it was a fun night, but low-key. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

Spencer just "kicked-it" the whole time in this position. He was chill the whole night.
We met up with Isabelle (see...I told you she's over a lot. She's our "adopted sister") & her little sister Olivia at the park and went trick or treating later on.


Heather and James Georgianna said...

haha FUN! It seems like xoe and xanthe wore every showbiz costume in there white box this year! haha also your lookin good!

Ruth said...

I love the mini-me

Joannie Pethel said...

Lookin great Christy!