Tuesday, April 12, 2011

City of Shiedam, Netherlands


First thing in the morning, we headed to a city called Shiedam. Brian had read up about it's history with the largest windmills and thought it would be a fun jaunt for me, Brittany, Brian and Spencer.

Here is a little blurb I found on the internet that is the quickest overall description: Schiedam has the largest windmills in the world. In the heyday of the city’s jenever history in the 19th century around twenty windmills could be found in the city. These ground grains for the malt wine distillers and for the city’s bakers. There are only six windmills left in the city and these are the largest in the world.

This plaque also had a great description on it too.

This post is mostly pictures. There are a lot of them but I was really impressed with Brittany's pictures and feel like a lot of them were too good not to post. Great job, Brittany!


I love the old dates on these.

You can see how close the windmills were to each other.

See below for what I think is the description of what this is.

Here's the Dutch translation from Google Translate. I think it's pretty good except for the "carried" part.
The flushing barge

This barge was in the past lavage - a residual product of the gin industry - carried.
The farmers used the stillage as animal feed.

Restored by Wilton Business School - Fijenoord and placed in 1988. 

Or the plaque above could be the description of this boat.  Brittany?

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