Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is It All Downhill From Here?

The Paradox of My Puffy Feet
As I ruminate on this picture, I'm appalled at the absurdity and reality that my feet look like this all of the time. I feel offended and cringe even looking at it. It's a good thing my belly is getting so large because it makes it easier to not have to gaze upon my growing slabs of meat. If I did see that all the time, I would probably get really depressed. My husband just said that I'm growing hamhocks. I would be offended if I didnt' feel it was true, but it really is.

You may ask why I titled this entry as "The Paradox of My Puffy Feet." Well, here's the paradox: Among many of the things that my doctor has told me to do to help with this (lay on my left side, drink tons of water to flush me out), one of them is that I need to lay down with my feet up. But how, may I ask, do you lay with your feet up when you're not allowed to lay on your back, because apparently it cuts off your circulation and stops your breathing ? (and yes this is true because it HAS happened to me many times...either in the sonogram room or in the middle of the night when my body rolls over onto my back because the muscles on my left side are starting to atrophy, my breathing stops and I start to lose consciousness.) Therefore, because I can't properly put my feet up without passing out, my feet become consistently puffy. That is the paradox, my friends.

On a side note, yes some have suggested that I just SIT with my feet up, but then again, I think I might feel as though I've just gotten closed up into a portable mattress.

AND don't even think of judging my lack of a pedicure. Just don't. It makes the whole thing THAT much worse. :)


Ruth said...

I showed this to Scott and this is what he said " wow, that ain't right. Maybe she should see a doctor. She needs to get some help for that." It really perplexed him,

Christy said...

It's just a sad, sad thing that Scott is actually right...The whole thing just ain't right.

whitneyingram said...

That is what my feet looked like last time. Except I had indentations where my flip flops were. It sucks but not too much you can do. But when you have your baby and the swelling is gone, you will swear you have the sexiest feet in the world. Remember that I said that.