Saturday, March 29, 2008

My New Favorite TV Show


When I start watching a show, I get addicted. Take CSI. I couldn't watch any other show until I watched every 75 episodes that were recorded on our DV-R. I know. It's a sickness. But I thought that if I watched another show I'd feel like I was betraying the show I was watching, or I'd lose/forget a plotline. I did the same with CSI:Miami, Alias, The Office & House. I started recording SuperNanny, but never watched it because I was afraid to delve in. But now that I'm in, I'm in! Seriously, my first thoughts were that I didn't want to see a show with all this discipline and nothing else. But was I wrong. There is love, and positive reinforcement, and she does things with these families that I thought could never be helped. She even sees issues with the parents that need to be worked out (whether it's from their own childhood, or in their marriage) before they can even move on. I'm so sad that it's only one once a week cuz I have to pace myself, otherwise I'll be out of episodes, and have to move onto another one. And that makes me sad. :)

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