Wednesday, April 23, 2008

As Good As It Gets

Yup. The checkout lady at the grocery store asked me if I'm having twins....No, I didn't have my REAL twins with me, and nope I'm not even close to my due date. Still have 8 more weeks. Niiice.


M Rock said...

That sucks... I hope she gets carpal tunnel for a comment like that-

Ruth said...

That SUUUUUUCKS. Flip her off. (Thats what I would do). I'm glad that you had mom for your birthday. It so hard being prego and 33.:}

Rachel said...

why are people so dumb? why on earth would anyone, especially a woman, assume someone is having twins just by looking at them? plus, i bet you are not even that big. i hate that. at six months along i would get people saying rude things all the time. like, wow, you really got big. or other equally insulting comments. people are dumb.

Katie Schultz said...

Oh Boy. I am there with you... People really do not think sometimes. The worst is when people tell you horror stories after they find out you are preggers, You don't see me telling horror stories of cashiers getting robbed at gun point, anyways just be like Jill Berrett and give it back to them.

Christy said...

All my sentiments exactly. What exactly did Jill Berrett do? You know, my thoughts are that even if a woman is about ready to deliver, you should never say anything! Seriously. I was more shocked that people STILL said this stuff. You would think with how much people discuss what a faux pas it was that they wouldn't say it anymore. I have officially been proven wrong.

amber buhrley said...

seriously......You've got to be kidding me!