So, I didn't even know this, but I guess there is an Art Show at the School District's office featuring a whole bunch of kids' art projects from each school, including the middle schools and high school. The art teachers each select certain students that they think have shown great artistic ability. As you can see from the invitation that was sent home with Xanthe, the art teacher at their school selected her. It was held tonight (Thursday) and we had a great time. I was so impressed with how much work all the schools went to make this such a fabulous display and Show. Here's an overview of a portion of the Show. But they had displays all around the room and even down the hallways of the Offices. There's also a closeup of one of the four displays from her school.
Below is Xanthe's art piece that was chosen, the dragon/monster in the right hand corner. They were learning about lines of symmetry and she had to create this detailed monster folded in half, then add details that matched the other side.
And I'm sure you're all wondering how Xoe handled the situation, and whether or not she was jealous. I was kind of wondering why the art teacher (Mrs. Sandagata) chose Xanthe over Xoe since she is always going on and on about how artistic BOTH of them are. She also tells me how she has already told her husband (the high school art teacher, who, like his wife, are a very artsy young couple) about "Xoe and Xanthe", and that even in their personality, names and clothing (yes, you all know their sense of style) they are so artistic. Well, Xoe handled it with style! She was so supportive of her sister and kept saying that Mrs. Sandagata assured her that it was hard for her to make a choice, that she would definitely be in the show next year, and that she couldn't choose siblings. This picture is of Xoe walking around looking at every piece of art. She really enjoyed the show and didn't want to leave.
For you Girl Scout parents, she found Eleni's art and was so proud of Eleni for making it into the art show that she wanted to take a picture. Same thing with Toni's art...I have a picture but just haven't posted it.
...But the best thing Xoe did to be supportive was at the very end. Xanthe had gone to one parking lot to ride home with Brian, but Xoe and I had to walk back through the show to get to our car. We decided to say goodbye to Mrs. Sandagata. At that moment, the newspaper was rallying kids together to take a picture of a few of the Bella Vista students with the art teacher and asked Xoe to hurry over since she was a student at their school. When they were finished taking the picture, Mrs. Sandagata was writing down their names for the paper, when Xoe asked if she could write her own name. (Of course, the art teacher had no idea whether this was Xoe or Xanthe). As I watched her write her name, instead of writing "X-O-E", she wrote "X-A-N-T-H-E". She whispered to me later that she wanted Xanthe to get credit since it was Xanthe whose art was chosen and was being honored that night. I don't know about you guys but I was so impressed, which I told her so. I was mostly impressed that instead of acting jealous of her sister, she was supportive of her. These girls are amazing. I just have to remember that during the times when I'm about to lose my cool with them. :)
i'm not sure if i should admit it but i definatly got choked up when i read that blog about Xoe saying she was Xanthe. They are too cute and growing up way to fast!
I cried- tears rolling
It's nice to know it's not just cuz I'm biased that I get choked up every time I think of what she did. :) Those are the kinds of moments and choices that you hope your kids make in life. I guess I never realized that even though I've hoped for them, I didn't expect them to because of the human nature side of most people to be jealous of what other people have, and what we don't have. I hope we can keep having moments like this.
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