So these are the three most recent wordly possessions that make me smile... Do you have anything in specific that you love? Please share.
I had a hard time bringing myself to by this. Here's why:
1. It was $129.99.
2. There was another high chair that was a 3-in-1. The chair popped off and it became a booster seat that you could hook to another chair. And then as the child gets older, the back comes off to make a big kid booster chair. Practical, right? And cool too. It even had a super euro pattern that I knew Brian would like. Plus, it was $30 cheaper. But I REALLY wanted the cherry wood one. Thank you Jacque for talking me into just getting what I really wanted. Remember? Practicality out the door.
I'm in love with this high chair. Every time I walk in the door and see it waiting for me, I get a little burst of happiness in me. :) And Spencer loves it too. It has some great compartments under it for storing your food and bibs, which is a bonus and the tray is really cool. Pop-off insert and it slides much easier than the cheaper high chairs that the tray constantly falls off and it's hard to slide on and off. This high chair, besides it's beauty, has it's bonuses too. :)
Oh! did I mention that I loved it so much that I took a bunch of stuff back that I had bought Spencer but hadn't used yet, and then had $50 in Gift Certificates from a couple people. So I basically got the chair for free! Well, in my mind anyway. teehee :)
Cocomotion Hot Chocolate Maker

I've had this thing in my cupboard in it's box for the last two years. Brian has pulled it out a few times but I've never really been around to "catch the fever." Brian's sister gave this to us two years ago for Christmas. Supposedly you can get it at Walmart, but only at Christmastime.
I never used it cuz practicality pushed too far forward in my mindset to get me to pull it out of the box and make the hot cocoa when I could just warm up a glass of milk in the microwave and stir in the chocolate.
Practicality is now gone. We used this every day for two weeks at his parent's house. We bought 8 flavors of Brian's favorite hot chocolate maker, Stephen's, and had chocolate at least 2 or 3 times a day. It's SO f'amazing! You just put the milk in (the pitcher is pre-marked), dump the chocolate in and push a button. 5 minutes later, 4 cups of whipped, frothy hot chocolate are piping hot and ready to go. And if your hot chocolate gets cold, you just dump it back in there, push the button and it whips and heats itback up for you. This now has a permanent place on our countertop, at least during the winter.
Clorox Disposable Toilet Wand

This has changed my life. I know. You're thinking, why in the world is she posting about toilet cleaners? :) Because now I actually don't mind cleaning toilets anymore. (I said "don't mind", not "I like doing it".)
Hi Christy! Yay! I'm glad I found your blog (or rather, that you found mine). I think that high chair is darling! And we are also hooked on cocomotion since using it over the holidays at a relative's house!
Spencer is super cute, btw. What are his stats recently (height, weight)? We've got to get together with Jenny and her baby and have a play-date!
I need a Cocomotion! With a passion..
I have been thinking about doing a similar post for a while... you've inspired me. (Although I guess I had better post pics of Jake first. haha)
Great post... it's the little things that make us happy, 'eh?
I'm so happy for you that you got that highchair (and totally jealous because I want one to, I just can't justify spending that much on something for someone who is not even born yet!) Does he just love sitting up to eat now? I have never been one for being practical. I totally plan on getting a breast pump even though someone told me that I could do it with my hand.
I love your favorite things posts!
I need a Cocomotion...yum
I love the new family pictures. Your kids are so cute.
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