Our little Spencer is 1 year old. Let's take a look back at his life.
Our Announcement to our family and friends
The Night Before...
Quote of the Day: "This kid has no idea how his world is gonna be rocked." Mommy
The Day I Got Home
"1 month"

"2 months"
"3 months"
"4 months"
"5 months"
"6 months"
"7 months"
"9 months"

Some More Spencer 12 Month Pictures

What a fun way to watch him grow again. I can't believe the difference from 3-4 months. Brenna is almost there. Soon I will get to see what she will really start to look like.
Happy Birthday Spencer!! You look great for 4 years old :)
{been missing you Christy}
Spencer is the smiliest baby I have ever met. He is such a little man! What a cutie!
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