Our family and friends are amazing. By the time Spencer's birthday came, we already had 4 packages and 3 cards waiting to be opened. The fact that they were prepared enough to send them in time and the fact that it's costly sending packages to people (it's the same cost to send us something as it is in the States cuz we have an Army Post Office Box), yet they did it anyway.

We didn't open presents until a few days after Spencer's birthday, mostly cuz I WASN'T prepared...and I live with the kid. Remember how I was really sick, though? Plus, there were a few things I wanted to get him that the American base didn't have and the German ToysRUs didn't have. So I was still searching for it. I kinda cracked myself up when I realized that Spencer didn't even noticed and I could have given him the "unfound" thing at a later time. After feeling a bit stupid, we ended up opening presents that night.
Spencer totally understands present opening now. He couldn't rip the paper off fast enough (well, after Xanthe showed him how the first time.) I think at first he just loved the Thomas wrapping paper. I almost didn't get any pictures because they were opening presents faster than I could grab the camera downstairs.
I know it's pretty overkill to post so many pictures of this, but I wanted to get pictures of the presents from those who sent us something so they could see his reaction and how much he loves all of the gifts. I'm not kidding...we have played with everything, and worn something new, every day since his birthday. I have to hide presents because he wants me to put together puzzles, legos and the Thomas Matching Game at least 6 times a day. It's quite funny.
(New pajamas and a new game)
Love those cute little chubby fingers figuring out how to pop the Thomas cards out.
He loves the "Perfection" game, cuz he loves shape sorting. He already knows all his shapes so he loves having a game that he can put them all in. We did it without the timer for a long time. Then I showed the girls how to play the real way, where it pops up after one minute. They had never heard of the game, so I figured I needed to school them since EVERYONE needs to have played "Perfection" at least once in their lifetime. We totally rocked it but they still couldn't do it under one minute. But playing that way backfired on us cuz I think Spencer got scared of it. He won't play it anymore. Bummer. Maybe when he's a little older.
Thank you everyone for your gifts. We feel so loved and remembered over here and are so very grateful for your thoughtfulness. No wonder we're friends! You guys are awesome. Love from Germany!
The angle all these pictures are taking made me happy. to see outside your window on that Deck. Have you utilized it out there yet? please tell me u bought a lounge chair or something? You could probably lay out there naked cause all the bushes are covering it!
Hi, I was researching Wiesbaden, Germany and came across your blog. We are a LDS family from Sacramento who are looking to contract with the government to work in Germany. My husband is a Civil Engineer and we have 3 girls and 1 boy. I would love to ask you some questions if you would be ok emailing me back.
nikki hom
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