Friday, May 30, 2008


...I can't get my wedding ring off...

Some other "Officials"...

1. I can't roll over in bed by myself...but if I try to do it by myself, I have to sit straight up and then roll to the other side...

2. I can't do the dishes or laundry without the blood rushing to my head...(guess I just can't do them...oh, btw, my doctor told Brian the other day that I get out of a year's worth of housework for doing this...hahaha....I now LOVE my doctor...)

3. I can't take any more baths cuz Brian's not usually home to help me out, and I can't lift myself out.

4. I can't make it through a grocery shopping trip unless I use a Senior Citizen cart AND wear my Maternity belt.

5. I can't get up off the floor by myself...unless I get on all fours to stand up.

For such a "beautiful experience" as childbirth is supposed to be, it sure can be a bit degrading...


amber buhrley said...

Wow, this is a pretty amazing post! Thanks for admitting to all of these!

stacy said...

ahhh thanks for reminding me of all of the things i can look forward to in the next few months.
i remember ALL of this nonsense with each of my pregnancies.why do we do this to ourselves? hahaha!