Monday, October 8, 2012

Primary Program 2012-Old post

I know we're not supposed to take pictures in church but this was Spencer's first program and I didn't publish them on Instagram or Facebook. but since this blog is a lot for my family and friends I wanted them to see these.  Spencer does not like singing in primary.  He has gotten better at going to church but like any other 3-4 year old, he gets antsy.  I made a "deal" (remember he's into "deals" lately, he loves using the word).  He could just stand up there if he at least sang one song.  He said he would sing The Wise Man and the Foolish Man which is a fun upbeat song.  I've included a video at the end, but I'm so bummed I didn't start recording sooner. Here he starts to mess up on the actions but in the first verse he was doing them perfectly.  The girls and I were totally laughing. :) I love this kid!

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