Arizona has this wonderful thing called Fall Break. It's like Spring Break, but in the Fall. They (Well, mostly I) get a glorious week off from school. Some moms hate it because they have to entertain their kids, but I love it because the girls usually always go visit their dad! :) Not that I don't miss them, but it's nice to have a break.
And guess what I did? I put the girls on a plane to Utah, then 20 minutes later had to be in a different terminal on a different airline on a plane for myself to fly to L.A. (And yes, Brian went with me. But only for a few days. We conveniently worked it out so that his layover to Japan fell in L.A. and he just left a few days early and took a 3 day layover.) The airline people I'm sure were deathly afraid I was going to ruin their perfect record of leaving on time. Brian had left with Spencer before I did from dropping off the girls so that he could get through security. Ya...we had no idea you have to take EVERYTHING apart to send through the security screener, including the stroller! (And yes Amber, I TOTALLY appreciate you so much more for all you had to go through everytime we begged you to visit, and with TWO kids!) But he only made it to the gate a few minutes before I did cuz he got on the wrong shuttle. And I was literally running with my shoes off down the jet way, while the gate agents were walkie talkieing that I was on my way. Too funny. They were so bugged, and I felt bad, but I REALLY needed to be on that plane. It was the last flight of the day.
So, California was really fun. Brian and I got to hang out for a bit with his family, and then with my family...doing things we like to do best...going out to eat and watching a movie. yay for Chipotle & Pinkberry. I had forgotten how much I liked Pinkberry. My vocal instructor, Jodi, introduced me to it when the first one was built in Hollywood (or westwood, something like that...I can't remember which city it was exactly). She was addicted and we thought it was so funny. I could see how you could get addicted though. I wanted it every day.
Well, there's not much to report except that I spent a lot of good quality time with sisters and sisters-in-law and cousins. It was great fun. I do have pictures of Nan's house that I REALLY want to post cuz her house is amazing. So fun. I don't think the pictures even do it justice.

Anyway, here's a picture of the girls' trip to Utah. You can check out Chris' blog (http://chrisandkathleenvilla.blogspot.com) for pictures of them when they were at his house. They were there most of the time. But one of the days Chris had taken them to "Sammy's", my brother, Sam's diner (http://www.sammyscafe.blogspot.com/ I still don't know how to do that link thing) for a daddy daughter date. Sam wanted the girls to hang out with his daughter, Ainsley, so he took them to breakfast at Magleby's Fresh (mmmm...boy do I miss an All You Can Eat French Toast...only had it once...will remember it for forever. Thanks Nan and Amber!). They called me from their fun little breakfast date and sounded like they were having so much fun. I'm glad they were able to get together with her cuz the girls miss seeing Ainsley. We don't get to Utah too much.
Thanks fam for showin us a good time! All of us....even the girls, Sam. Til Thanksgiving!
1 comment:
Cute pictures! The Shultz cousins are all sooooooo cute!
I saw the girls on Yo Gabba, they look old, Preteens! I can't beleive it. And you were right, what a cute segment! I love the song
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