Wanna Know Why?
Cuz I just realized that this is the last week before Halloween is over.
Halloween is my most favorite holiday. More so than Christmas. It seems that more people get into the REAL "spirit" of Halloween than they do with Christmas. The spirit of Christmas has been lost and it has become not fun anymore. The Christmas Spirit is nothing how they depict in the movies, and people have lost the spirit of giving and being happy and relaxed, and enjoying each other's company. It's all about the stress of putting on parties, gift giving (and a lot of the time it's to people you don't even want to give to, but have to because you feel obligated...like work people, etc.), running back and forth, etc. It's almost like people feel as though they have to "keep up". I feel stressed spending all that money, and I hate that the real "spirit" is no longer around. It's become not fun anymore. I don't know. I just remember always feeling like Christmas is so stressful.
But Halloween? Beautiful. People aren't bogged down with all the gift buying, rushing around, going to party after party just because they feel obligated (not the fun, relaxed fancy party that I imagine a Christmas party should be), etc. If a Halloween party is attended, a person gets to dress up in great characters and just have fun. The costumes can be outlandish and store-bought, or they can be something you've just found out of your closet. The decorations are different, the colors are different and the dynamic is just way different. I love it.
But when I realized that I only have 5 more days to enjoy it, and that I hadn't even decorated, wow did I get bummed. But not enough to set me back. I vowed to enjoy the next 5 days with all that I can. Wanna know how? It's gonna be all about pumpkin and Halloween-themed food (including pumpkin pancakes, Grey Matter Eggs and Oatmeal Brains for breakfast; Spaghetti Guts for dinner and hard-boiled egg eyes (olives for the eyes) and Bat-cut-out PB & Orange Marmalade sandwiches for lunch...oh and you can't forget the Jack-o-lantern orange), decorating my house, buying more decorations, helping the girls plan a Halloween party for all their friends (how much do I love that they love this holiday as much as I do? and how cute is a pre-teen Halloween party going to be?) and plan my own "How to Host a Murder" party. Just know that I will posting pictures of all the fun and festivities for your perusal and enjoyment.

These are the invitations Xoe & Xanthe designed to hand out to their friends tomorrow. Aren't they great? I just let them go at it. No expectations here for perfect invites, the perfect party, or "keeping up with the Joneses." Their party is going to be so fun and we've already planned the whole thing (mostly with the help of the Family Fun website).
Happy Halloween Celebrating!
I need to be more into the Halloween Spirit. I love that you love it so much. We wish we could come to the party...I know my kids would really want to have some fun with your cute girls.
I think your crazy!
DO I get to come??
I wanna see pics of EVERYTHING!!!!
Darn, yet another reason that I wish we all lived closer! I LOOOVE Halloween too, and I swear I'm the only one. Since I dont have any kids of my own YET, I think I'll Make some spagetti guts for Brett tonight WAHAHAAAAAA! (he hates halloween too heehee)
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