Happy Easter everyone!

Here are the girls first thing in the morning. Do they look tired? That's what happens when you have 8:00 church. (We're bitter about it already, okay?)
These are their new Easter dresses. Sorry there are no professional pictures. Good intentions... but didn't happen.

After church, we had our friends Brent & Randi, their new little baby Brennalyn, and his mom and sister (in town to see the baby) over for dinner. We had a great American Easter meal. Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus w/ Hollandaise Sauce, Rolls, Salad and of course, Brian's main request...Jello. Hehehe. And of course dessert! Yum. I don't know how we fit it all but it was great.
Here is Xoe below showing off her placemat she weaved (Alicia, is it "wove"?). (I had to find some sort of craft to entertain the kids while waiting. :) And happily enough it passes off a part of a Girl Scout badge. Gotta do that "kill two birds with one stone" thing, huh?)

Brian even got in on the action. I think he misunderstood me when I said "pick a paper in Easter colors."

Here comes the food...
Oh ya, our adopted daughter, Isabelle (X&X's best friend) and her sister, Olivia, came over too. Olivia's the little one on the bottom left hand part of the picture. Aren't they both beautiful?

Brian even got in on the action. I think he misunderstood me when I said "pick a paper in Easter colors."

Here comes the food...

Then Randi was gracious enough to dye Easter eggs with the kids since I hate dying Easter eggs (dont' ask me why. I can't explain it).

This is Brennalyn below. She is beency. And teensy weensy. I think she's like, what? 2 pounds now? Hehe. No, she's like 7 pounds now, but was about 5.5 at birth and just still seems so tiny and petite.
Hope you all had a great Easter too!
I am laughing because Brenna looks exactly the same in all of these last few pictures. Spencer's face tells me that they are different pictures. You didn't mention that we used a roll to get him to smile. What a fun day.
Holy Moly...the girls look so old in those pics! And spencer is getting so big! I love them and miss them!
That is so fun that you had people to entertain and make it special! Gotta love the microphone w/ stand in the back of x&x's picture!
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