I had such a great birthday. Here's a quick rundown of the highlights.
-Xanthe made me pancakes
-Xoe & Xanthe cleaned out the craft closet...of which is consistently unorganized. Drives me nuts. (Arr me nuts! That was for you Alicia.)
-Brian bought me a bunch of soda fountain Diet Cokes, even one at 9:00 at night.
-My sisters all did tribute blog posts to me, and I got so many birthday phone calls with well wishes for my birthday! My parents even sang in harmony to me and Piper & Rocky left two messages. I even got a shout out from Harper, Spencer's 1 year old cousin.
-The girls gave me their gifts at lunchtime. X&X gave me a whole bunch of bath stuff. Lotions, a huge bottle of bubble bath and some "Batherapy"...yup...try saying that 10 times fast. It's bath salts that have healing properties for sore muscles. And for those of you who know my FM issues, it really helped.
-I quickly took advantage of my new gifts and took a hot lavender Batherapy bath and finished the last book in the Harry Potter Saga (wow! Could I go on and on about how amazing these books are. I HAD to choose a perfect setting to end the book, and I think I succeeded. J.K. Rowling is a genius. She had to channel this literary brilliance from somewhere. I seriously could go on and on. Maybe another post. We could all chat about what a mastermind this series is. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the read, and gave it the due respect it deserved.)
-Brian also gave me his gift at lunchtime as well. (Besides the tickets to Germany, of course. I can't believe he got me something else too).
How awesome is this bike trailer . The best part about it is that I've been secretly obsessing over it for a month and only told him about one time. I was too embarrassed to bring it up again. But of course he remembered all that time and got it for me.

Dinner at Chili's...AGAIN

We went out to dinner with our friends Randi & Brent. Her mom and sister were in town and came too. I had so much fun! spencer was really grouchy though. And the girls went to a friend's house. Citrus Grilled Tilapia (no Spice Rub though) was as good as it always was. I don't know if I'll ever get sick of it. And the thick chocolate shake the waiters brought me with a Happy Birthday song, was worth the embarrassment of them singing to me. Thanks Randi for the fun presents and to your mom for the great card! I'm glad you all were able to share my birthday with me.
Happy belated birthday! I'm so glad it was a fun one!
Glad your birthday was so great! I love that this post was at 12:30 at night. Were you waiting for your birthday to end in order to post it? Or did you stay up to the last possible minute enjoying every moment of your great day?
I'm glad you had a fun birthday. We had such a fun time at Chili's. Can't wait for you guys to be back from Germany..but I hope you enjoy your time there.
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